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Recipient of the EPA Environmental Quality Award in 2006:

EPA selects Environmental Quality Award winners from non-profit, environmental and community groups, individual citizens, educators, business organizations and members of the news media, as well as from federal, state, local or tribal governments and agencies. The honor is given to those individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions to improving the environment in EPA Region 2, which covers New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and seven federally-recognized Indian Nations. The Agency receives nominations for the awards from both inside and outside EPA.

In 2002, NYSDEC's Bureau of Pesticides Management instituted the CleanSweep New York Environmental Benefit Project (CleanSweepNY), a program providing economical and environmentally-safe collection and disposal of unwanted pesticides, school chemicals and mercury-containing devices, in addition to the recycling of pesticide containers. To date, CleanSweepNY has collected approximately 2,009,897 pounds of pesticides and hazardous chemicals, and recycled 6,100 triple-rinsed pesticide containers which would otherwise have been buried, burned or landfilled. Through proper disposal and recycling, CleanSweepNY is helping to preserve the quality of the state's natural resources, drinking water in particular.

CleanSweepNY was a recipient of the EPA Environmental Quality Award in April, 2006.

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